Vilawatt project is a finalist for the European RegioStars 2020 Awards
The creation of a local public-private energy operator in Viladecans, among the 25 best innovative initiatives on the continent. Vilawatt Project is the only project in Spain that considered for the awards that value excellence in the implementation of projects for regional development.
These awards annually select the best projects funded by the European Union, focusing on five areas that are fundamental to the future of EU regional policy: the industrial transition for a smart Europe, the circular economy for a green Europe, the skills and education for a digital Europe, citizen engagement for cohesive European cities and youth empowerment for cross-border cooperation.
Vilawatt is part of the “Citizen commitment for cohesive European cities” category and it competes with A Jewel in a Poor Neighborhood (Ghent), Buergerbahnhof-Plagwitz (Leipzig), High Five! jugendrechte im quartier (Berlin) and SHICC- Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities (Brussels, Ghent, Lille and London).
The projects chosen, according to the European Commission, « demonstrate excellence and new approaches to regional development, with the aim of inspiring other regions and project managers across Europe ».
October 2020
Related links:
Vilawatt Project receives a new european recognition and will be replicated in three European cities