Rehabilitation of a flat with minimalist style

Cercle Gespromat has developed the rehabilitation of the flat using minimalist style, pure lines and intelligent distribution.

A complete demolition of the interior is carried out in order to obtain the maximum flexibility to define the new flat distribution.

On one hand, a functional interior distribution is created with a built-in kitchen and appliances with a sliding door to separate the sites, in case a more hidden and divided atmosphere is preferred.

On the other hand, two modular partitions are projected so as to divide the sites and cover various functions in the common areas such as: the separation of the main bedroom of the rest of the flat as well as hiding the main access that connects the stairs with the flat.

  • Location: Vilobí d’ Onyar- Girona
  • Year: 2013

Cercle Gespromat offers you the integral management of your project


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